Language is a bridge for human to understand each other. Without language, it is so hard to communicate and make other people understand what we mean. There are many kind of language in this world. Nowadays, a language that has been determined as the universal language is English. This universal language is very helpful, because with a universal language we don’t have to learn all languages in the world just to understand what other people, especially foreign people talk about. At least there are only two languages that have to be learned, English and our own national language. However, even English is very important; it doesn’t mean we have to speak English all the time.
English is necessary. Without English, our friendship will be restricted to domestic societies. One of the ways to master English is practicing, both speaking and writing. But for me, it does not have to be done all the time, because if we do that, we will slowly forget about our native language. Using English is good, but not all the time, because English is not our national language. There is a time that we should use English, for example in a business meeting, to speak with foreigner, etc.
It is not good to only have one language in this world. Language is one of one country’s identities. If all of world society using English all the time, even though it is not their national language, then people will slowly forget their national language. The new generation also will never heard of their national language as all people in their country are using English. Other languages existence will be gone and it will be only one language in this world, English. It is not good at all, because language is one of many things that make one country different with another country, if it disappears, then all country will be the same.
Some people claim that English is important to face globalization era. I admit it is true. English is something that must be mastered in today’s society as we face the globalization era, which everything is written and spoken with English in international world. But, if we have to speak English all the time, it is possible that we will forget our Indonesian language. If in the end we can master English very well, but we forget about our mother language, then it will be meaningless. I mean, if we have mastered it, just use it whenever you need. Speak your mother language to interact with Indonesian people in informal situation. Make the use of those balanced, so that none of those will be forgotten.
In conclusion, I agree if English is important as today’s society is facing the globalization era, but for me, just use it whenever you need, so that our mother language will not be forgotten.
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