Well, this is another embarrassing story of mine. I had experienced so many embarrassing moment that made me like a clown in a public places. Of course I felt so embarrassed and irritated at that moment, especially if those things happened because of other people’s fault. This one is happened on Saturday, about two weeks ago.
My aunt came to my house with her children. They are Dinda, 5 years old, and Raisya, 7 years old. My aunt came in order to go shopping with my mom. I was the only one left at home, my sisters went to the mall, and my dad was at work. Because of that, my mom told me to take care and play with them. I nodded means agree. Then, they went out, left me with these little girls. To be honest, I felt so drowsy and wanted to go to bed as soon as possible. So I locked all the doors, bring a lot of snacks to my room, mineral water, dolls, and another stuff to make my cousins feel comfort in my room. I told them to play in my bedroom and not to go outside. They could wake me up if they want to go to the bathroom. After they said yes, I went to my bed and then slept. 
2 hours later, suddenly, my phone rang and woke me up. My mother called me and said that I should go to the Chinese food restaurant near my house and bring my cousins to have lunch. I wore my jacket and took my cousins there by a motorcycle. Because the restaurant is near, I decided not wear my helmet. On the way to the restaurant, I noticed that many people stared at me so strange and I do not know why. My cousins just laughed in my back. When we arrived, my mother and my aunt broke into hysterical laughter and said, “Have you looked in the mirror?” I said no, and ran to the bathroom. I was shocked saw my face in the mirror, designed all over my face, including a mustache, bread, big red circle on my nose and cheeks, and something abstract in my forehead. My cousins decorated my face as I slept, with my make-up and I had been riding a motorcycle with a marked up face just like a donkey! What a shame!

That was so embarrassing and I could have died. My cousins got a scolding from my aunt, but my feeling did not get better. I had my lunch with a red face just like a boiled crab because all the people around me still looked at me and some of them still laughed at me.
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